RM Information
Rural Municipality of Buchanan No.304
200 Central Ave (George Wilson Drive)
Box 10 Buchanan, SK S0A 0J0
PH: 306-592-2055 office FAX: 306-592-4436
email: rm304@sasktel.net
RM Payment Options: Besides cash or cheque, online banking is available through the Credit Unions and BMO
etransfers are accepted at rm304@sasktel.net and a debit machine is also available for use in the office.
Gravel Sales: The RM of Buchanan will no longer be selling gravel. Should you require gravel please contact Buddwil Enterprises Ltd. at 306-621-1289.
Well Key Invoices: Well Key Invoices will no longer be included with Tax Notices and will be issued and mailed in January or early February of each year. In May of 2024 Council adopted Policy 2024-09 Community Well - Usage Fee and Well Keys which states "In January of each year the annual fee will be invoiced to each user who has been issued a well key".
CALL BEFORE YOU BURN: Call 1-866-404-4911 to inform the dispatcher you will be lighting a “controlled burn
Pest Control Products: Vince Bailey is our Pest Control Officer (PCO). He can be reached at 306-562-7887.
Hamlet Property Owners: Please remember that lawns must be mowed regularly to ensure compliance with the Nuisance Abatement and Property Standards Bylaw. Should the Bylaw be contravened, the RM will arrange for the lawn to be custom cut with the property owner being billed accordingly for it.
Please remember that the speed limit is 60 km when passing municipal equipment!!
RM of Buchanan No.304 <
200 Central Avenue (George Wilson Drive)
Box 10
Buchanan, SK S0A 0J0
Phone: (306)592-2055
Fax: (306)592-4436 fax
Email: rm304@sasktel.net
Current Office hours:
Monday through Friday
8:00AM-12:00 PM & 1:00PM-4:00PM (closed for lunch)
Closed all Statutory Holidays