Building Bylaw and Building Permits

Building Bylaw and Building Permits - for all areas of the R.M. of Buchanan No. 304

The R.M. of Buchanan is required to follow a Building Bylaw issued by the Government of Saskatchewan effective January 1, 2024. The Building Bylaw applies to all areas of the RM (agricultural, acreage, etc.)

Copies of Building Bylaw GOVSK 1-2024 are available at the R.M. Office.

The Building Inspector for the R.M. of Buchanan will need to review your plans for construction prior to the start of any construction. For a new residence and additions structural drawings are required before an approval will be issued.

For Relocation of Existing Buildings, the following is required:

Building Demolition Permits

Planning to demolish a building? Firstly, we need to know so that you don't pay taxes on a building that isn't there.

Building Permit Fees:     See Bylaw 02-2024

Important: A permit will not be issued until all fees have been paid.

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RM of Buchanan

RM of Buchanan No.304
200 Central Avenue (George Wilson Drive)
Box 10
Buchanan, SK S0A 0J0

Phone: (306)592-2055
Fax: (306)592-4436 fax


Current Office hours:

Monday through Friday

8:00AM-12:00 PM & 1:00PM-4:00PM (closed for lunch)

Closed all Statutory Holidays